Business Employment Dynamics (BED)

BED data is a product of a federal-state cooperative program known as the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW).

BED data measures the net change in employment from 1992 onward. The data highlights the number and rates of gross jobs gained at opening and expanding establishments, as well as the number and rates of gross jobs lost by closing and contracting establishments.

For additional information about BED data, see the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics BED program or create your own customized tables.

Idaho’s BED: Second quarter 2024

Gross job gains exceeded gross job losses and yielded a net employment gain of 692 jobs in Idaho during the second quarter of 2024, according to preliminary BED data released by the Idaho Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Labor.

New establishments and existing business expansions made up 54,946 gross job gains in the private sector from March to June 2024, down 2,374 jobs from the previous quarter. Gross job losses over the same timeframe from contracting and closing private sector establishments totaled 54,254, a decrease of 6,600 job losses from the prior quarter.

Idaho experienced a net establishment increase of 1,441 during this same period.

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