Around Northern Idaho: Economic activity, February 2025

Sam Wolkenhauer, regional economist
Idaho Department of Labor
(208) 696-2353

Regional labor market information

  • Labor demand in northern Idaho increased in January 2025, with a total of 1,916 unique job postings in the region – an increase from 1,390 in November. The increase is consistent with past seasonal trends with January conventionally seeing an increase over December, however labor demand is 9% higher than it was at the same time last year, when postings totaled 1,755 in January 2024. The unemployment rate increased slightly from 4.7% to 4.8% and remains higher than in December 2023. Due to Bureau of Labor Statistics benchmarking work, which occurs in January each year, there is no update to labor force and unemployment statistics for January.
Figure 1.
Northern Idaho seasonally adjusted dataDecember-24 (P)November-24 (R)December-23 (B)
Civilian labor force130,789129,172127,946
Total employment124,474123,097122,592
% of Labor force unemployed4.8%4.7%4.2%
Source: Idaho Department of LaborP – Preliminary, R – Revised, B – Benchmarked
Figure 2.
Top 10 occupations by unique job postings in northern IdahoPostings,
Registered nurses6985
Retail salespersons6154
Unclassified occupation5052
Customer service representatives4945
Home health and personal care aides4226
First-line supervisors of retail sales workers3829
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand3021
Food service managers2812
Medical and health services managers2828
General and operations managers2714
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 3.
Top 10 industries by job unique postings in northern IdahoPostings,
Health care and social assistance303275
Retail trade199230
Administrative and support services181173
Accommodation and food services12279
Professional, scientific, and technical services9095
Finance and insurance72113
Wholesale trade6968
Other services4941
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 4.
Top 10 hardest-to-fill occupations in northern IdahoMedian duration Jan-25Median duration Jan-24
Home health and personal care aides30N/A
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand30N/A
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, technical and scientific Products30N/A
Automotive service technicians and mechanics30N/A
First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers30N/A
Construction managers30N/A
Tree trimmers and pruners30N/A
Food service managers29N/A
Receptionists and information clerks29N/A
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast

Regional news

  • Avista Utilities, a keystone provider of electric and natural gas utilities in the panhandle, has filed a proposal with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission that would raise rates for Idaho customers. As currently proposed, electric rates in Idaho would increase by 14% in September followed by a 5% increase in 2026, while natural gas would increase 10% and 1% in 2025 and 2026 respectively. Avista stated the proposed increases are intended to cover ongoing investment in infrastructure. Source: Journal of Business

Kootenai County

  • North Idaho College (NIC) received sanctions relief from its accrediting agency, with the college’s multi-year show cause sanction reduced to a probationary status. The move to probation grants a one-year extension for NIC to return to compliance, and a letter from the accrediting body noted improvement on a majority of the college’s noncompliance issues. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • Work on the multi-year project to replace the State Highway 411 and Interstate 90 interchange in Post Falls is proceeding to the next phase, after a productive winter helped by relatively mild weather. The Idaho Transportation Department will close the current westbound off-ramp with detours and temporary rerouting as they move on to the next phase. Construction has been underway since 2022 and the new interchange is slated for completion in 2026. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • The Coeur d’Alene School Board approved a new Early Plus program to expand preschool opportunities in the school district and improve kindergarten readiness. The new program will be located in the former Borah Elementary School building, after the school was closed last year. Half of the building is currently occupied by the Coeur d’Alene Early Learning Center, which serves children with special needs from ages three to five. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • The city of Rathdrum has unveiled plans for a new $15 million city hall which will consolidate municipal departments into a single facility, located on a 30-acre community campus. The 30,000-square-foot building will house the city’s council, administration, police and parks and recreation departments, with a nearby shop facility housing the street crew and water and sewer department. Source: Journal of Business


  • Mailbox Club (Hayden)
  • Planet Terra (Dalton Gardens)
  • Kootenai Vision Center (Post Falls)
  • Kraken Coral & Coffee (Post Falls)


This Idaho Department of Labor project is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor for SFY25 as part of the Workforce Information grant (40%) and state/nonfederal funds (60%) totaling $885,703.

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.

Around Northern Idaho: Economic activity, January 2025

Sam Wolkenhauer, regional economist
Idaho Department of Labor
(208) 696-2353

Regional labor market information

  • Labor demand in northern Idaho increased slightly in December 2024, with a total of 1,338 unique job postings in the region – an increase from 1,299 jobs in November. Increase is consistent with past seasonal trends, however labor demand is higher than it was at the same time last year, when postings totaled 1,282 jobs in December 2023. The unemployment rate increased slightly from 4.7% to 4.8% and remains higher than in December 2023. Both the total labor force and total employment remain above their 2023 levels.  
Figure 1.
Northern Idaho seasonally adjusted dataDec-24 (P)Nov-24 (R)Dec-23 (B)
Civilian labor force130,789129,172127,946
Total employment124,474123,097122,592
% of labor force unemployed4.8%4.7%4.2%
Source: Idaho Department of LaborP – Preliminary, R – Revised, B – Benchmarked
Figure 2.
Top 10 occupations by unique job postings in northern IdahoPostings, Dec-24Postings, Dec-23
Registered salespersons7544
Registered nurses6179
Home health and personal care aides4238
Fast food and counter workers3822
First-line supervisors of retail sales workers3618
Laborers, freight, stock, material movers and hand3219
Unclassified occupation2851
Janitors and cleaners2520
Customer service representatives 2532
Medical and health services managers2416
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 3.
Top 10 industries by unique job postings in northern IdahoPostings, Dec-24
Postings, Dec-23
Health care and social assistance274196
Retail trade174153
Administrative and support services113121
Accommodation and food services7799
Finance and insurance5179
Professional, scientific and technical services4750
Wholesale trade4539
Public administration3759
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 4.
Top 10 hardest-to-fill occupations in northern IdahoMedian duration, Dec-24Median duration, Dec-23
Civil engineers23N/A
Maintenance, repair workers and general20N/A
Health care social workers18N/A
Pharmacy technicians17N/A
Nurse practitioners17N/A
Driver and sales workers17N/A
Skincare specialists17N/A
Project management specialists 16N/A
Cooks and fast food workers16N/A
School psychologists16N/A
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast

Regional news

  • A joint Spokane-Coeur d’Alene aerospace tech hub has received $48 million in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce. A consortium made up of more than 50 public and private sector organizations in Spokane and northern Idaho, including labor and workforce organizations, local governments, educational institutions and manufacturers applied for a first round of federal funding for the tech hub. The organizations failed to make the initial list of 12 projects to be funded in the first round. However, the Spokane-Coeur d’Alene tech hub was among the six projects selected for funding in the second round. Source: Journal of Business
  • Despite a relatively snowless and warm winter at lower elevations, significant precipitation in northern Idaho is expected to end the region’s two-year drought. According to the Idaho Department of Water Resources, the mountain snow water equivalent was 135% of normal in the northern Panhandle. After two years of significant drought, the ongoing wet winter is expected to bring an end to drought conditions. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press

Kootenai County

  • Heritage Health is consolidating and moving its operations to a larger new facility in Coeur d’Alene. The nonprofit provider offers medical, dental and behavioral health services to almost 26,000 patients across northern Idaho. The provider also currently operates 12 clinic locations across the region. Roughly half of Heritage Health’s 360 employees will work out of the new facility. Some services will move in January, while others – including pediatrics, dental and pharmacy – will move in 2026. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • Construction will begin soon on the new Sherman Tower hotel in downtown Coeur d’Alene. The 15-story hotel will offer 139 rooms and more than 10,000 square feet of restaurant, retail and office space. The Sherman Tower is expected to open in the spring of 2027. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • Work is resuming ahead of schedule to complete a traffic improvement project on Government Way in Coeur d’Alene. Thanks to a relatively snowless winter, work on the corridor improvement (which was scheduled to resume in the spring) is currently underway. The project includes upgrades to signaling and pedestrian ramps at 10 different intersections. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • The Macy’s department store in Coeur d’Alene’s Silver Lake Mall will be closing this year, per an announcement from the company. The planned closure will shutter the last of the mall’s chain department store anchor tenants, after the closure of Sears in 2018 and JCPenny in 2021. Source: Journal of Business


  • Taco Bell (Post Falls)
  • Madd Chicken (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Athol Dental Implants (Athol)
  • Boiada Brazilian Grill (Coeur d’Alene)

This Idaho Department of Labor project is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor for SFY25 as part of the Workforce Information grant (40%) and state/nonfederal funds (60%) totaling $885,703.

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.

Around Northern Idaho: Economic activity, December 2024

Sam Wolkenhauer, regional economist
Idaho Department of Labor
(208) 696-2353

Regional labor market information

  • Labor demand in northern Idaho declined in November 2024, with a total of 1,331 unique job postings in the region – a decrease from 1,846. This decline (roughly a 28% decrease in postings) is consistent with past seasonal trends. In 2023, postings declined from 1,707 in October to 1,340 in November. The unemployment rate decreased slightly from 4.8% to 4.7% but remains higher than November 2023. Both total labor force and total employment remain above their 2023 levels.  
Figure 1.
Northern Idaho seasonally adjusted dataNov-24 (P)Oct-24 (R)Nov-23 (B)
Civilian labor force129,282129,120127,809
Total employment123,202122,879122,705
% of labor force unemployed4.7%4.8%4.0%
Source: Idaho Department of LaborP – Preliminary, R – Revised, B – Benchmarked
Figure 2.
Top 10 occupations by unique job postings in northern IdahoPostings, Nov-24Postings, Nov-23
Registered nurses7452
Laborers, freight and material movers3825
Merchandise displayers and window trimmers3520
Home health and personal care aides3540
First line supervisors of retail sales workers3529
Fast food and counter workers2723
Retail salespersons2549
Medical and health services managers2430
Food services managers2317
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing2314
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 3.
Top 10 industries by unique job postings in northern IdahoPostings, Nov-24
Postings, Nov-23
Health care and social assistance201221
Retail trade155183
Administrative and support services152112
Accommodation and food services67111
Finance and insurance5689
Professional, scientific and technical services5062
Wholesale trade3334
Educational services3233
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 4.
Top 10 hardest-to-fill occupations in northern IdahoMedian duration, Nov-24Median duration, Nov-23
Lifeguards, ski patrol and other recreational protective services29N/A
Unclassified occupations27N/A
Nurse practitioners27N/A
Community and social service specialists, all other27N/A
Computer systems analysts27N/A
Home appliance repairers27N/A
Coaches and scouts26N/A
Home health and personal care aides25N/A
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast

Regional news

Bonnor County

  • An application for a large industrial facility in northern Sandpoint is under review by the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission. Although the operator of the proposed facility has not been announced yet, the traffic impact study for the project indicates a 25,500 square foot facility which would employ roughly 150 people. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press

Kootenai County

  • Construction is underway on a new food truck and restaurant court in Post Falls. Named Eats on Spokane Street, the facility will feature a 1,500 square foot bar and restaurant with outdoor spaces for seven food trucks. Confirmed tenants so far include MelFit Healthy Kitchen, Nachos Cantina and a Charcuteria food truck. Construction on the $1.2 million project has begun and the space is expected to open in the spring of 2025. Source: Journal of Business
  • A large new commercial center is being built on Highway 41 in northern Post Falls. The Early Dawn Commercial Center will include three separate buildings that are 12,000 square feet each, with space for five or six commercial suites per structure. The facility is expected to open in April. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • North Idaho College is finalizing plans to cut its athletics budget by about $1.8 million over the next two years. College leadership began examining options for reducing the athletics budget after it increased sharply over the last two school years, from $2.2 million to $6.2 million. The current proposal entails reducing funding for tuition, fees, and housing for student athletes, as well as eliminating the golf program. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press


  • Lanai (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Rose Restorative (Post Falls)
  • Boiada Brazilian Grill (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Oval Office Restaurant (Re-opening in Coeur d’Alene)
  • Lash & Locks Girl Studio (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Albatross Golf Experience (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Squad9 (Post Falls)
  • REVV Health (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Earth Fairy Holistics (Coeur d’Alene)

This Idaho Department of Labor project is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor for SFY25 as part of the Workforce Information grant (40%) and state/nonfederal funds (60%) totaling $885,703.

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.

Around Northern Idaho: Economic activity, November 2024

Sam Wolkenhauer, regional economist
Idaho Department of Labor
(208) 696-2353

Regional labor market information

  • Labor demand in northern Idaho remained largely stable in October 2024, with a total of 1,903 unique job postings in the region — a slight increase from 1,860 in September. The unemployment rate stayed stable from September to October at 4.8% but saw a year-over-year increase from October 2023’s rate of 4.1%. Both the total labor force and total employment remain above their 2023 levels for October.  
Figure 1.
Northern Idaho seasonally adjusted dataOct-24 (P)Sept-24 (R)Oct-23 (B)
Civilian labor force129,095128,770127,182
Total employment122,846122,584121,922
% of labor force unemployed4.8%4.8%4.1%
Source: Idaho Department of LaborP – Preliminary, R – Revised, B – Benchmarked
Figure 2.
Top 10 occupations by unique job postings in northern IdahoPostings, Oct-24Postings, Oct-23
Registered nurses9179
Retail salespersons8252
Home health and personal care aides6339
Unclassified occupations4648
Laborers, freight, stock, material movers and hand4245
First-line supervisors of retail sales workers3429
Medical and health services managers2938
Fast food and counter workers2818
Customer service representatives 2748
Merchandise displayers and window trimmers 2619
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 3.
Top 10 industries by job unique postings in northern IdahoPostings, Oct-24
Postings, Oct-23
Health care and social assistance323234
Retail trade270207
Administrative and support services217175
Accommodation and food services90102
Professional, scientific and technical services7889
Finance and insurance6689
Wholesale trade6553
Other services (except public administration)6338
Educational services5134
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 4.
Top 10 hardest-to-fill occupations in northern IdahoMedian duration, Oct-24Median duration, Oct-23
Title examiners, abstractors and searchers29N/A
Physical therapist aides27N/A
Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses26N/A
Traffic technicians26N/A
Claims adjusters, examiners and investigators25N/A
Cooks and restaurant workers2519
Financial examiners25N/A
Construction and building inspectors24N/A
Lodging managers 24N/A
Farm and home management educators 2310
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast

Regional news

Kootenai County

  • The North Point Plaza development is under construction on Highway 41 north of Post Falls. Early tenants will include a 7-Eleven opening December and a Grocery Outlet store in early 2025. Four additional parcels are available for tenants. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • A new Indigo Urgent Care is under construction in Hayden. Indigo currently operates a network of urgent cares across the inland northwest, including in Coeur d’Alene. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • A mixed used building named the “Nonna” is under development in Post Falls, with commercial space on the ground floor and 33 apartments on the upper three floors. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press


  • Chipotle (Post Falls)
  • Trader Joe’s (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Joyful Journey Childcare (Hayden)
  • Premiere Aesthetics (Post Falls)
  • Boost Espresso (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Paris Vintage (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Pete Paws Resort 9 (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Farwest Steel (Post Falls)
  • SMP Ink CDA (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Hair’s The Thing (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Treehouse Restaurant (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Armory Outpost (Hayden)
  • Divine Nails & Spa (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Honeysuckle Suites (Hayden)
  • La Pinata (Post Falls)
  • MAC Physical Therapy (Post Falls)
  • Orchid Nails & Spa (Coeur d’Alene)

This Idaho Department of Labor project is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor for SFY25 as part of the Workforce Information grant (40%) and state/nonfederal funds (60%) totaling $885,703.

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.

Around Northern Idaho: Economic Activity, October 2024

Sam Wolkenhauer, regional economist
Idaho Department of Labor
(208) 696-2353
Regional labor market information
  • Labor demand in northern Idaho remained stable in September, with a total of 1,860 unique job postings in the region – a slight decline from 1,923 in August. The unemployment rate decreased slightly from 4.9% to 4.8%, increasing by 0.7% from September 2023. Overall, total employment has increased slightly over the last year. 
Figure 1.
Northern Idaho seasonally adjusted dataSep-24 (P)Aug-24 (R)Sep-23 (B)
Civilian labor force128,822128,001126,983
Total employment122,646121,694121,769
% of labor force unemployed4.8%4.9%4.1%
Source: Idaho Department of LaborP – Preliminary, R – Revised, B – Benchmarked
Figure 2.
Top 10 occupations by unique job postings in northern IdahoPostings, Sep-24Postings, Sep-23
Retail salespersons7466
Registered nurses6683
Home health and personal care aides6339
Unclassified occupation5745
Fast food and counter workers4426
First-line supervisors of retail sales workers4335
Laborers, freight, stock, material movers and hand3433
Janitors and cleaners3128
Secretaries and administrative assistants3029
Customer service representatives2946
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 3.
Top 10 industries by unique job postings in northern IdahoPostings, Sep-24
Postings, Sep-23
Health care and social assistance274257
Retail trade221237
Administrative and support services179169
Accommodation and support services101135
Wholesale trade8491
Professional, scientific and technical services82101
Finance and insurance7389
Other services (except public administration)5146
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Figure 4.
Top 10 hardest-to-fill occupations in northern IdahoMedian duration, Sep-24Median duration, Sep-23
Laundry and dry-cleaning workers25N/A
Chief Executives24N/A
Substance abuse, behavioral disorder and mental health counselors24N/A
Public relations specialists 23N/A
Dispatchers, except police, fire and ambulance22N/A
Biological scientists, all other22N/A
Nurse practitioners20N/A
Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians20N/A
Door-to-door sales workers, news and street vendors20N/A
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast
Kootenai County
  • Kootenai Health is constructing a new facility in Coeur d’Alene and upgrading its existing Women’s Imaging Center in Post Falls. The project will add additional mammography scanners, ultrasound machines and bone density scanners to provide better screening and increase capacity. Kootenai Health timed the announcement of the new investments to coincide with October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and plans to begin work on the new screening facility in 2025. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • The North Point Plaza commercial complex is under construction in north Post Falls and early tenants will begin opening for business in the coming months. A 7-Eleven gas station is slated to open in December, followed by a Grocery Outlet in early 2025. Four parcels remain available for future tenants. Source: Coeur d’ Alene Press
  • Camkels Holdings, a north Idaho based development company, is planning a four-story mixed used building in Post Falls which will include 9,800 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor and 3,8000 square feet of combined residential space on its upper floors. The ground floor commercial space will have room for a total of seven tenants, while the residential floors will include a mix of 33 one and two-bedroom apartments. The project is slated for completion in 2026. Source: Journal of Business
  • North Idaho College (NIC) hosted a site visit from accreditation evaluators, now awaiting their report results. NIC leadership hosted a team from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, who conducted the final site visit to NIC before the April 2025 decision on NIC’s accreditation status. The college has been under a show cause sanction since early 2023. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • The city of Coeur d’Alene approved a $2.3 million contract to begin improvements to Government Way. The new project will improve 10 different intersections on the busy north-south arterial, including improved pedestrian crossings, signals and synchronized lights to help traffic flow. Government Way has become one of the growing city’s most important corridors and has daily traffic in excess of 16,000 vehicles. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • The Little Gym (Post Falls).
  • Tony Mills Photography (Coeur d’Alene).
  • Moose Lounge North (Hayden).
  • Dragon Jacket Insulation (Post Falls).
  • Metal America (Post Falls).
  • Garage Door Design (Post Falls).
  • Perma Column (Post Falls).
  • Vintage Guild (Coeur d’Alene).
  • Coffee Warehouse (Post Falls).
  • Idaho Puppy Co. (Coeur d’Alene).
  • La Pinata (Post Falls).

This Idaho Department of Labor project is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor for SFY25 as part of the Workforce Information grant (40%) and state/nonfederal funds (60%) totaling $885,703.

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.

Around Northern Idaho: Economic activity, 2024

Sam Wolkenhauer, regional economist
Idaho Department of Labor
(208) 696-2353


Labor demand in northern Idaho remained stable in August 2024, with a total of 1,923 unique job postings in the region – a slight decline from 2,043 in July. The unemployment rate rose slightly in August from 4.8% to 4.9%, increasing by 0.8% from August of last year. Overall, total employment has increased slightly over the last year.

Figure 1.

Northern Idaho seasonally adjusted data Aug-24 (P) July-24 (R) Aug-23 (B)
Civilian labor force 127,977 127,300 126,401
Total employment 121,686 121,180 121,231
Unemployment 6,291 6,120 5,170
% of labor force unemployed 4.9% 4.8% 4.1%
Source: Idaho Department of Labor P – Preliminary, R – Revised, B – Benchmarked

Figure 2.

Top 10 occupations by unique job postings in northern Idaho, July 2024 Postings, Aug-24 Postings, Aug-23
Retail salespersons 68 73
Registered nurses 64 92
Laborers, freight, stock, material movers and hand 40 60
Merchandise displayers and window trimmers 40 22
Home health and personal care aides 38 43
Fast food and counter workers 38 27
Customer service representatives 35 37
Medical and health service managers 33 14
First-line supervisors of retail sales workers 29 41
Cashiers 28 23
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast

Figure 3.

Top 10 industries by unique job postings in northern Idaho, August 2024 Postings, Aug-24 Postings, Aug-23
Health care and social assistance 273 309
Retail trade 260 288
Administrative and support services 202 221
Manufacturing 122 144
Accommodation and food services 118 137
Finance and insurance 78 85
Professional, scientific and technical services 70 94
Wholesale trade 69 73
Educational services 50 56
Construction 47 55
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast

Figure 4.

Top 10 hardest-to-fill occupations in northern Idaho, August 2024 Median duration, Aug-24 Median duration, Aug-23
Automotive and watercraft service attendants 27 N/A
Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks 27 N/A
Sewing machine operators 27 N/A
Electricians 26 N/A
Preschool teachers, except special education 25 N/A
Cement masons and concrete finishers 25 19
First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers and repairers 24 N/A
Cashiers 23 N/A
Sales representatives, technical and scientific products 23 N/A
Machinists 23 10
Source: Conference Board data via Lightcast

Region News

Bonner County

  • The Idaho Department of Lands auctioned off eight (now-former) endowment lots on Priest Lake, netting more than $11.4 million, which was more than $500,000 above the appraised value of the lots.  Source: Bonner County Daily Bee

Kootenai County

  • A new family division land-use ordinance has gone into effect in Kootenai County. The new ordinance contains exemptions which will make it easier for property owners to divide their land to either sell or gift to family members, by allowing living property owners to divide unplotted land without following the county’s formal subdivision procedures. Source: Journal of Business
  • Coeur d’Alene based Intermax Networks raised $60 million in private and public funds to extend fiber-optic infrastructure to underserved regional communities. Projects have begun to run fiber to rural communities in northern Idaho including Spirit Lake, Twin Lakes Village and to bring connectivity along Idaho Route 54. Source: Journal of Business
  • Construction is beginning on a new interchange between State Highway 53 and Pleasant View Road. The $30 million Idaho Transportation Department project will include a new diamond interchange and additional lanes, which will eliminate several railroad crossings and greatly increase capacity. Preliminary work this autumn is not expected to impact traffic flows, with impacts to drivers beginning in spring 2025. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press
  • The North Idaho Building Contractor’s Association held its annual Parade of Homes. The event allows regional builders to showcase their state-of-the-art projects with ticketed tours of homes. The event serves to both promote home builders and educate the public on the latest trends and innovations in home design.  It also serves major fundraiser for the Building Contractor’s Association. Source: Coeur d’Alene Press


  • Treehouse Restaurant (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Armory Outpost (Hayden)
  • Divine Nails & Spa (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Honeysuckle Suites (Hayden)
  • La Pinata (Post Falls)
  • MAC Physical Therapy (Post Falls)
  • Orchid Nails & Spa (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Wholesome Plate (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Paradigm Owners Rep Services (Coeur d’Alene)
  • NorthLife Aesthetics (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Bolton Law (Coeur d’Alene)
  • Kayu International (Hayden)
  • Sandpoint Ceramics (Sandpoint)
  • Cultivation Counseling (Sandpoint)

This Idaho Department of Labor project is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor for SFY24 as part of the Workforce Information grant (48%) and state/nonfederal (52%) totaling $704,259.

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.

Around Northern Idaho: Economic activity, August 2024

Sam Wolkenhauer, regional economist
Idaho Department of Labor
(208) 696-2353


  • Labor demand in northern Idaho remained stable in July, 2024, with a total of 2,043 unique job postings in the region – a slight uptick from 1,872 in June. The unemployment rate rose slightly in July from 4.6% to 4.8%, increasing by a full percentage point from July 2023. Overall, total employment has decreased slightly over the last year.
